
Hello, welcome to Elephant Man Han Fluid Equipment Co., Ltd.

  • 呼吸壓力閥,二氧化碳調節(jié)壓力閥,凱賽曼型壓力調節(jié)閥,機械式調節(jié)壓力閥,調節(jié)壓力閥,發(fā)酵罐壓力閥,不銹鋼壓力閥,
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Elephant Man Han Fluid Equipment Co., Ltd.

Tel: 0574-89503810

Mobile phone: 13566645242

Fax: 0574-89503810

Zip Code: 315700

E-mail: hgw13566@126.com

Address: Dan Xiangshan County Rd West Valley City Industrial Zone No. 315

Company Homepage: http: //www.037907.cn

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Wenhan fluid equipment

Address: China Dan City Industrial Zone, Xiangshan County, West Valley Lake Road No. 315

Tel: 0574-89503810 Phone: 13566645242 Fax:0574-89503810



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